Payments for 2020 annual assessments ($450) were due March 1st, 2020. If you have not yet paid your annual assessment, please do so immediately to avoid any possible late fees, collection retainers, and/or property liens.
Payments of annual assessments can be submitted via mail or online. Please download and complete the invoice form on our website, fenwickwoodshoa.org . All checks should be made payable to “Fenwick Woods HOA” and mailed to the following address:
Fenwick Woods HOA
C/O MJS Management
4910 Trenholm Road
Suite C
Columbia SC 29206
Payments may also be made online at mjsmgt.com
The Fenwick Woods Homeowner’s Association will transition to a different management company effective April 1st, 2020. All online payments for annual assessment must be received by MJS by March 20th 2020, and all mailed payments must be processed by March 27th, 2020.
After April 1st, 2020 payment of any remaining balances should be sent to Cedar Management Group. You may visit www.mycmg.com/epayment to pay your dues online or you may pay via mail. Please make all checks payable to “Fenwick Woods” and use the below address for all payments:
Fenwick Woods
C/O Cedar Management Group
PO Box 26844
Charlotte, NC 28221